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Embracing Failure (Oh…and the embarrassment)

Not sure if I told you this, but a great part of my life (and income) since 2021 has been doing High Ticket Sales. To catch you up, that means working with online business owners, mostly from the US and Europe, as their freelancer taking sales calls for them. Using my zoom, I go through the discovery and sales convo’s for them and get 10% on everything sold.

I saw it as a side hustle to put more money in my business and travel more. I made over six figures in commissions doing this.

Sometimes the money got so good, I put my own business completely on the side. Just riding the wave of those high commissions.

But then around Q4 last year…I got on a new offer. That’s what they call it in this service. A new “Offer” means a new client for whom I am selling their premium packages by doing online zoom calls for them. I am selling their “Offer”. Get it?

Anyways, girl, I don’t know what the FUCK happened.

For the life of me, I could not get a sale. Me, ego queen, confidence queen…I was failing.

Sales used to be fun and easy for me. I was always that wonder woman that would come in on an “Offer” and outshine everybody else. I was always the one getting calls to help out other agencies doing sales for their big clients….

WTF is happening? Did I lose my touch?

I listened back to my recorded sales calls and I just wanted to throw up. Who is that insecure sounding girl? WHERE is the confident Shanny that normally shows up??? Am I being punked? Why can’t I do this????

That went on for almost two months and finally I decided to step away from it. At least for a while.

It was yet again another time that I ran away from failure. But this time I decided to face it.

Usually I would do ANYTHING to save my pride and decorum (and street cred) and avoid rejection. I did it in business and I did it dating. When I feared a NO coming, I would divert the conversation, avoid the confrontation ... Basically do everything to stay in the safe zone and still be liked.

I was caring too much about what people think. And it was costing me. BIG TIME.

Once I stepped away from freelance sales (at least for a while) I made a promise to face my failure and face my fears for real. Seek out the NO. Seek out rejection. Every. Single. Day. But do it for my business now. And see what’s on the other side.

I’m still in the process of that. But let me tell you. The woman with thick skin that comes out of this…..That next level version of Shanny….She’s dangerous.

Remember Queen: You’re sitting on a goldmine of knowledge. You deserve to be recognised as THE authority in your field. Every day is a good day to Unleash Your Personal Brand.

*Join Midweek Mastery sessions for free tools, interviews and strategies: Click here

Work with me:

*The Brand Authority package ($6250+): My full service solution. (This project takes anywhere from 12 to 16 weeks). Strategic brand development, Identity design, and Brand asset Content creation (photo & video shoot)

+ Complete Executional support and dedicated guidance within the Unleash Your Personal Brand mastermind

+ Ongoing strategy consulting working with me by your side. Book your info call now: Click here

Not ready yet? Then explore my other solutions:

*Unblock your mind in a 1:1 Confidence Call ($300): This is a 45 minute mindset coaching service that will unblock your overwhelm, get you back into authority and leadership mode and boost your confidence before a presentation or pitch. You can also use this service for any interruption of sabotaging thoughts and quick elevation that you may need. This meeting cannot be used for business strategy or brand strategy as that is another service. Email me for an invoice and choosing your date:

*Brand Strategy development ($1000): Together we will identify your unique brand voice, define your ideal customer, and build a messaging strategy to communicate with impact and get results. Email me for an invoice and choosing your date:

*The Unleash Your Personal Brand mastermind ($2500): The affordable solution for Done With You support while you grow with me. (Includes 16 weeks access to the mastermind & group coaching, the Unleash Your Personal Brand course, accountability chat & voice check ins). Book your info call now: Click here

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